01 Juni 2013

Our activities outside school

Some of the students went out on an outing to the Bogor Raya Park, there they meet tourists and practice their English. Good on you guys.

Thank you dear TOURISTS... we hope you see this.

Our new gate to the school

Berikut adalah pintu gerbang yang berhasil direnovasi.

Below is our main gate that has been renovated.

Our New Badminton/Basketball Area

Alhamdullilah, terima kasih, akhirnya kami selesai memperbaiki area olah raga kami, lapangan badminton/basket.
Terima kasih para donatur, semoga kami dapat menggunakannya untuk berbagai hal.


We finally revamped our sport's area. Thank you for those who help with their donation.

We hope we can use this for many things.